Thursday 28 January 2010

Cross Media Advertising

Cross media advertising is when you advertise through multiple types of media, including; publication, television, radio, the internet and post and mail (newsletters etc).
There are pros and cons in using cross media advertising, the pros are that the band would be featured in more than one media type, people who don’t listen to the radio may hear them on the television etc. Cons are that it’s quite expensive to advertise through multiple medias, as you would need to pay for a slot in a magazine etc.
In our exam piece we will be advertising through the television and magazine; we will be creating a music video and a magazine advertisements, as well as a digipak for the song featured in our music video. This is why I have decided to advertise through publishing and television. However I won’t be advertising through newspapers as I feel that it wouldn’t be aimed at our target audience. I feel that it would be a mistake to use mail and post as a form of advertising as people will only throw away leaflets and newsletters that they receive in the post.
Using the internet would be a good idea, as it would target our specific age range as adverts would be featured on social networking sites. However the video we would create may get streamed onto the internet through Youtube, so there wouldn’t be any need to create a whole new advert campaign.

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