Tuesday 9 February 2010

Florence and the Machine - Rabbit Heart (Screen shots)

This is at the very beginning of Forence and the Machines video. It is an extremem close up of the face, in which it mainly focuses on Florences mouth whilst she's singing.

This is shortly after the first shot. The camera has panned out to reveal more of Florence costume and the setting that they are in. In between these two shots more people are shown, who you can just about see in the left hand side of grab.

This shot has panned out further, and it focuses in on Florence as a mid shot. You able to see more of the setting, so it also joins in as an establishing shot. More people are feature with different props and costumes.

The one image then fades into the next shot, but still having both shots visible. Giving the video a surreal like look about it. This is the type of editing that my group and i want to achieve.

This shot features more people, these actors have more extravagant outfits. The mise en scene reminds me slightly of Alice in Wonderland, with the cosutumes and the settings.
In between this shot and the next, Florence and the actors dance around the set. Similar to how we want our actors to act.

This agains mirriors part of Alice in Wonderland, with them sitting down for "afternoon tea". The shot is a full body shot, as you can see where the lower part of their body should be. The colours of the video are quite vivid, the costumes are very bright and the setting is very leafy and green.

This shot is a long shot. We are able to see what the actors are doing, their whole outfit, the rest of the set and the body movements that they are making.

This shot doesn't feature Florence, unlike the other previously. Again it shows us more of the set and the costume. But you are unsure of what they ae doing, as in the previous shot they are filmed with a coffin.
At the end of the video the coffin is set out into the river.

Overall the video is fairly strange, a mix of the story line, mise en scene, editng and camera work has created a very surreal like but also fairytale feeling to this video.

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