Friday 29 January 2010

Questionnaire results show in graphs

These are the most important questions that were asked, these will help me plan out and create a video from the genre that is most popular; and plan it so it's suitable for the age range i decide to chose.

Questionnaire results

After handing out my questionnaire i entered all the results on to Excel, so i could easily see them and how they relate to one another.
I will be able to make a decision on what music genre i chose as i will have information for the audience that i will be aiming my music video, digi pak and advert too.

Clear: Questions
Green: Options
Purple: Answers

Thursday 28 January 2010

Magazine Advertising - IPC & Bauer

These are all images of adverts in Q magazine promoting new albums released by a variety of different artists. Having adverts in magazines is another way to make the reader aware of the band, and to try and persuade them to go out and buy it or download it.
Music magazines are very import in the media, as they stimulate the sales and interests in other medias, for example; film and music, which are featured in the reviews, or as adverts inside the magazines.
IPC is one of the largest magazine publishers in the UK, with it's magazines and digital brands which is reached by 47million adults through the country. They own a wide variety of different magazines, trying to cater for each genre of magazine and which gender. Music magazines which they publish are; NME, Guitar and Bass and Uncut.
Bauer is another major magazine publisher; reaching 19million adults over the country, and publish the music magazine KERRANG!. There media brands also include twenty regional radio stations.

Cross Media Advertising

Cross media advertising is when you advertise through multiple types of media, including; publication, television, radio, the internet and post and mail (newsletters etc).
There are pros and cons in using cross media advertising, the pros are that the band would be featured in more than one media type, people who don’t listen to the radio may hear them on the television etc. Cons are that it’s quite expensive to advertise through multiple medias, as you would need to pay for a slot in a magazine etc.
In our exam piece we will be advertising through the television and magazine; we will be creating a music video and a magazine advertisements, as well as a digipak for the song featured in our music video. This is why I have decided to advertise through publishing and television. However I won’t be advertising through newspapers as I feel that it wouldn’t be aimed at our target audience. I feel that it would be a mistake to use mail and post as a form of advertising as people will only throw away leaflets and newsletters that they receive in the post.
Using the internet would be a good idea, as it would target our specific age range as adverts would be featured on social networking sites. However the video we would create may get streamed onto the internet through Youtube, so there wouldn’t be any need to create a whole new advert campaign.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

BARB - channel views

BARB is the Broadcasters' Audience Research Board; it records daily how many people have viewed certain channels. It shows us how popular certain TV channels are. This is useful for my project as i can see what music channel is view most, and what music genre is included in the certain channel. The most popular music channel of December 2009 was VIVA; this may be because of the music that they play, but also because this music channel is fairly new, so viewing would be higher than usual because there would be more advertising on other channels for it. VIVA being the most watched music channel isn't that helpful as VIVA plays all different types of music genres.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Music Institutions - EMI

Lily Allen is signed to the music company EMI; one of the largest and most successful music companies,in which they manage hundreds of bands, including; Katy Perry, 30 Seconds to Mars, Sex Pistols and The Verve.The music videos would be produced through this record company, they would distribute the video through music
channels to promote the artists. The more they promote the artist the more record sales they would see becausethe general public have seen the video and heard the song.

The purpose for these videos is to promote the artists and portray to the public how interesting and exciting they are. All of the videos are very different, some are narrative; they tell a story in the video which relates to the song, some are live; the audience can see the band playing live and witness the reaction of the crowd and what to see the band live for themselves, some also include live footage, the band travelling around to each venue; this also shows the social side of the band, and gives the audience a chance to relate to them. All these types of videos appeal to the public, which then creates a fan base and popularity, which leads to album and single sales. Also EMI is in partnership with Virgin, this leads to bands being featured in the line up for festivals, for example; V festival, which is organised by Virgin.

Other artists videos that are signed with EMI:

Itunes Top ten (offical)

This is the top ten singles taken from Itunes website. It is easy to see that the public is influenced to by music whcih has been feautred around them; for example, the new programme on Channel Four "Glee" has a song in the charts which was sung on the show, then the song is featured again, but this time it's the origional, sund by Journey. This is proof that the public are influenced by different medias when buying and downloading songs.

Top 24 Best Sellers from HMV

This is an example of the top 24 best sellers on the HMV website; i will use this to research see which albums are the most popular; i can then analyse the graphology; font, images and colours, and use this information to hekp develop my album cover.

Chris Cunningham is another music video director; his work is known for it's disturbing quality. He has worked with musicians such as; Aphex Twins, Bjork and Madonna. His videos are widely known throughout the medias, particularly his video for Aphex Twins "Come to Daddy" which has been banned. His videos have won mutiple awards, one of them being MTV's music video award for Break through video. Not only does he just direct music videos; he's also created short films, adverts/commericals for; Gucci, Playststion and Orange, music production; were he arranged and produced a newer version of "I Feel Love" for the Gucci advert, video art and photography; where he created cover work for artists Bjork and Aphex Twins, he also worked for Dazed and Confsued magazine, where he worked with Grace Jones.

You Me At Six album cover

This album case is completely different to the other album case that i found. The Youmeatsix ablum case focus's on ilustration and artwork , rather than an image; like the Lady Gaga album. It's a very busy image, with lots of shapes and colours everywhere, this would be to help attract the auidence and then sell the albums.

Friday 22 January 2010

The work of Michel Gondry - Director

This is a compelation of videos that Gondry has directed; the artists that he has worked with range from Kylie Minouge to the White stripes. Many of the videos have a very surreal look about them, which would have been created by a range of different editing skills, cosutme design and mise en scene.

This is an example of the questionnaire that we handed out to 40 people of all age ranges.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Lady Gaga front cover

I liked the look of this album because of the unusual outfits and hair styles worn; which is what lady gaga is famed for. I also liked the style of the image, it looks slightly grainy and vintage which is a very big contrast against the artist, who is very modern.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Kings of Leon - Use Somebody

This video is also very similar to the type of video my groups wants to achieve. However, this video has a wider range of techniques used; such as ariel shots of cities, and footage shot in black and white. I want to add in some diversity to our video; for example editing out video so that it looks more "old school" similar to a film reel look.