Thursday 29 April 2010

Analysis of Video

We filmed out music video at the Rec in Stratford, originally we were going to film our music video at the bluebell woods however we changed locations so it was close enough for easy travelling for our actors and the equipment.
Mise en scene:
The setting was decorated with colourful fabric and materials. We did this to add texture and colour to the standard forest like background. We had the actors dress in unusual and surreal costumes to relate back to the theme of the video; bright colours and patterns for the costume and using masks and face paint.
i used a beat of 4 and 8 to create a sense of rhythm throughout the music video, i did this so that it matched up against the song. Otherwise the cutting rate and beat of the music would have been irregular, it's plays better when the beats are paired together. I also adjusted the brightness and contrast to balance out the brightness and contrast the video, but i also changed the contrast to darken certain parts of the background. I then adjusted the saturation as changing the contrast made the colours more vivid, another reason for de-saturating the video was to relate back to our theme of the video being slightly "dark and surreal". I added in certain effects such as "aged film" and "black and white" to add diversity to the video, fade in and outs where used in certain places as transitions between different shots. In some places transitions weren't used, this was to show the beat of the film against the music. It also made the film more "jumpy".
We didn't have any extra lighting stands or equipment, the lighting that we used was completely natural whilst filming. It was changed in the editing process.
Camera work:
A mixtures of shots where used throughout the video. The main shots that were used were mid and long shot; these shots were used to show the scenery and costume. Establishing shots are used throughout the video to show the location and decoration. Panning and tracking shots are used to follow the main actor Jo, as she "explores" the surroundings, a mixture of close ups and mid shots are used to introduce new characters. A number of different camera angles are used to demonstrate different view points from the characters
The only sound used in the video was non diegetic sound; this was from the song that was added over the video.

High Angle shot:

Low Angle shot:

Example of Mise en Scene:

Example of Editing (aged film):

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