Tuesday 20 April 2010

Edit Techniques

Aged Film
Black and white
Fade in (transitions)
Fade out (transitions)

Aged film was used due to our research; we wanted to use the idea that Miike Snows video “animal” used. It created a vintage style feel to the video. We also did something similar too when Miike Snow moves gradually towards the camera, he moves forward with jump cuts.

We used a black and white filter at some parts to differentiate between the view of the audience and the view of the main actor, it also gave us the chance to use more features in the video clip.
The brightness and contrast was adjusted so that we could achieve the right darkness to the video, without losing detail in the image. This related back to our original idea of the music video being surreal and dark. The saturation was the adjusted so reduce the vividness of the colours which were enhanced when changing the contrast.
The Fade in and out transitions where used to make the video flows nicely between certain shots, transitions where only used occasionally because we wanted the music video to have a jumpy rhythm in beats of 4 and 8.

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